
Profil de Gravlin

Date d'inscription : 29/09/09
Présentation : You don't need to know my name.
Actually, you really don't need to know anything about me.
But I'll tell you somethings.

Er, if I don't like you, don't try to be my friend.
If I like you, we'll see about that.
I hate a lot of things, and I don't like particularly nothing.
I only like Music, and nothing else.
I'm prowd of what I do.

Though you may know me, don't even try.

If you wanna know more about me, I won't tell you. Find out for yourself.

This is everything you need to know about me.
So, just be on your way.
Horaires de connexion : Pas d'info pour le moment
Différents pseudos en jeu : Pas d'info pour le moment
Nombre de commentaires : 0